Wednesday, December 1, 2010

WOW. We are almost done....

It has been way to long since I have posted a blog about Vienna.  So long that I actually forgot my password.  That is sad.

Well our trip is coming to a close and I must say that I am so ready.  I want to go home to my family and friends.  I have really enjoyed traveling all around Europe but it has been a huge challenge.  I have done so many firsts on this trip it is crazy.  Here are a couple that I can think of...

Climbed my first mountain.
Rode my first passenger train.
Built my first real snowman.
Made a snow angel.

Those are only a few that are coming to mind.  But I have overcome so many things.  I have learned how to live with 20 other people who are all different.  We have had our struggles but in the end we have learned to deal with our problems.  I have learned that I am going to need to be used to being uncomfortable.  I have been around people who do not necessarily believe what I do about Christ and that has been a challenge for me.  I have had to learn how to include those people in certain conversations and not offend them as well as strive to maintain my walk with God.  That has been one of the hardest things that I have had to do on this trip.  My soul has never felt this kind of turmoil before but I feel like I have been in a constant state of turmoil since we landed in Vienna.  It has been an uncomfortable change and I can feel God pulling the bad fruit off of the branches but boy does it hurt.  I have tried to be more in the word since I came to Europe.  I found that I was searching for something to hold onto because my world had been thrown upside down and I was tossed into this new culture and expected to be "ok."  I am not ok.  I am nothing close to being ok.  I feel like I have changed so much since I came to Europe and I am not sure if I know who I am anymore.  I am interested to see how I react to going home and adjusting to being in a totally different culture.

But wasn't this the point?  Wasn't I supposed to change and grow up?  I mean I have been living over seas for 3 months I should have expected a change.  I remember before we left they told us that we would come back and not know the person that was staring at us in the mirror.  I did not believe this at first.  I thought that since I had already been to Europe that I would not change very much.  But I don't know who that girl is that is looking back at me in the mirror.  I have not ever seen her before.  She looks much older and wiser but also looks like she is searching for something bigger.  She looks like she needs something strong to cling to because she has been torn down to the lowest of lows.  She is hurt and she is confused...but she still looks older and wiser.  How can that be?  How can you look older and wiser but also look like you are hurt and confused?  What has this trip done to me?  What have people done to me?  Why have I let words affect me so much?  Why do I care?

These are questions that have been going through my head this entire time.  I have been counting the days until I come home since day 38.  Why do I count down the days?  Why am I ready to leave this beautiful place?  It is because I am scared.  I am scared of what another day will do to me.  I am afraid that with another nights sleep I will wake up and that person in the mirror will be gone completely.  How am I supposed to do this for a living?  Why do I want to be in a constant state of turmoil away from my comfort zone?  Am I cut out for a missionary's life?

Please don't get me wrong...I have loved living in Europe.  These 3 months have been great and I would not trade them for anything.  But I will tell you that if you are thinking about going on this trip please don't think that you will not change.  You are wrong.  You will probably change more than anyone.  That is what this trip has taught me.  Everyone changes.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Miss me yet?

Sorry it has been so long since my last blog.  We have been SOOO busy.  I don't even know what day it is today.  lol.  We have been to so many sites.  A typical day consists of chapel from 9-9:30 then class from 9:30-12:00 and then site visits.  We are currently learning German and studying the culture.  Our teacher is Frau Ehler.  She is very interesting.  She thinks we can speak more German than I think I really can.

Vienna is wonderful.  It is such a beautiful place.  I like it so much more than London.  We are living in an apartment and I have 2 roommates.  They are great.  We go grocery shopping together and we even try to cook together.....but I messed up the spaghetti.  Whoops.  The city is so easy to get around and we are really starting to feel like we are at home.

Homework is starting to pile up.  We are getting a little frustrated because we only have 7 computers for 25 people.  But it makes for an interesting night.  Everyone is getting along so well.  I really think it is true when they say that you will make life long friendships.  We have bonded over hot chocolate and devos in our sponsors room and story telling on the Ubahn.  I love getting to know these people.

One of my favorite things about being here is getting to go to the Youth Shelter.  The woman who runs the shelter is named Reggie.  She is wonder woman.  I can't imagine being in her shoes.  She works so hard to help the children get on the right path.  She has a heart for God and a love for children.  They love her so much and they love hanging out at the shelter.  We go twice a week and we play games and get to know the kids.  I look forward to going every time.  Many times Reggie feeds the children so we get to have dinner together and fellowship.  I have also been to the shelter for church on Sundays.  That was a great experience.

Tomorrow we are going to the Opera House.  I am really excited about seeing it.  We are also getting ready to go to the Austrian Alps on Thursday.  We are ready for this retreat.  We need a break from homework!

That's all.  Going to bed.  Guten Nacht!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Let's catch up...

Wow it has been a while since I have been on here.  I had to go back and read my last blog to find out where I stopped.  Lol.  So after Wicked I was on a musical high.  It was wonderful.  But before I got to go see more shows I had to do the academic stuff.  boo.  But anyway...The next day in London we went to the British Library.  I must say it was not my favorite thing.  It was so overwhelming.  There was so much stuff.  Here is a picture.
Sad day that I did not enjoy it.  The next thing we saw was really cool.  It was St. Paul's Cathedral.  That was a really cool thing to see.  The dome of the cathedral is amazing.  When you look up you just feel so small.  It is crazy.
How cool is that?  I really enjoyed that one!  But the end of the night was my favorite.  All the museums and everything are great but the best thing was...
Oh my goodness.  Les Mis was wonderful.  I can't even tell you how great it was.  It was a dream come true.  The set and the cast were amazing.  I was so pleased that I got to see this.  Now when I listen to the soundtrack I have a picture of what the show is like in my head.  

After Les Miserables we went to the Tower of London.  This was a great site.  I got to see the place where Anne Bolyne was executed.  I also got to see the crown jewels.  That was crazy.  They said it was worth something like 68,000 pounds!  I don't even want to know how much american money that is.  I would probably be sick.  lol.  I also went into a torture room and saw how they would torture prisoners.  That was really neat.  

Then we went to the British Library.  That was the COOLEST thing ever.  I got to see and read original copies of Alice in Wonderland and so many more.  I saw the Gutenberg Bible and Leonardo Da Vinci's notebook and his sketches.  I was just in awe of this place.  I got to look at some original untitled lyrics from the Beatles. 
The National Gallery was next and that was great.  We saw original paintings.  I was not as interested in this as the library but it was still good.  I enjoyed walking around and seeing all the paintings that I have been reading about for forever.  It is nice to see the original.

I also went and saw Abbey Road and signed the wall.  That was really cool.  

Well that is pretty much it for London.  We flew to Vienna Friday morning and moved into our Apartments.  They are great.  I will hopefully get another blog post out later with my pictures. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

London is here wish you were fine.

We arrived in London on Sunday and started on our journey right away.  It was crazy.  We landed, went to our hostel, checked in, cleaned up and we were off.  It was wild.  Sunday was a day that we could kinda roam London in groups and check things out.  My group went and got off the tourist path to find some good cheap London food.  Fish and Chips it was.  We went down this small alley and found this place called Ha Ha's.  It was great and not too expensive.  I  have learned 3 things in London so is expensive, cars don't stop for pedestrians and pigeons are allowed in mall food courts.

After walking around London for a few hours we headed back to our hostel for some dinner.  We went to a Turkish place and had the best lamb ever.  I even tried lamb kidney.  Not the best thing but it was an experience.  After dinner our group went to the park and had a prayer and then we were off to bed.  I went to bed at 8:30 that night.  Crazy tired.  

Today we woke up and had free breakfast at our hostel.  Side note....Nutella is everywhere and yes it is a breakfast food in London.   After breakfast we went to the park again and had a short devo and then got our plans for the day.  We were worried this morning that transportation would be an issue since the "tube" or the subway was on strike.  Typical London.   But all the trains we needed were running and we were not inconvenienced.  Our first stop was Buckingham Palace to watch the changing of the Guards.  Boy was that a sight.
It sure did take them a long time to in the meantime....the royal band played musical selections from Mama Mia.  That was crazy.  The Queen was in by the way.  I think she saw me.  Even though I did not see her.  I think she knows who I am.  lol.

After the changing of the guards we headed over to grab some lunch.  I had a hot dog from a street vendor.  He found out I was from Texas and asked me where my hat and boots were.....typical non Texan.  lol  After lunch we went to meet our tour guide Sean.  He is a Scottish guy who  said that he was going to come visit London for a year and then twenty years later has not decided to leave yet.  He was great and so full of information. 

We tour Westminster Abbey for a long time and wow was it breathtaking.  I walked on the graves of people like Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens and Issac Newton.  It was amazing.  I saw the burial tombs of Elizabeth I, Bloody Mary and Mary Queen of Scots.  I was in awe.

After the tour we went and watched the Evensong.  Evensong is a worship service and it was great.  But I was really tired so it was difficult to not fall asleep.  After we were done with Evensong we were let out on our own again to explore London.

It did not take me long to decide what I wanted to do and I had a group of girls that were thinking the same thing.....yep you guessed it.....

Oh my goodness!  That was the best part of the day.  My view on things is that the buildings are great but they will always be there.  Wicked will not.  Me and three other girls walked to find the half price tickets.  As we were walking we saw a street that was filled with Theatres.  It was like walking on Broadway in NYC.  I was so excited.  We went to the show and when the very first note was played.....I got goosebumps.  The show was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!  It was the first Broadway show that I have ever seen and I could not have asked for more.

Now we are home and ready for bed.  I got to talk to my best non friend Jennifer Wittmis on facebook.  It was great.  I miss everyone so much but I know that this is what God wants me to do.  He has something big planned for this trip and I can't wait to see what it is.  Tomorrow's journey...British Library, some other places and then Les Miserables!!!!!  oh my!!!!!!!

Goodnight all

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Today is the DAY!

Today we fly out to London.  We are all so ready to be there.  Yesterday we finished our last test and had plenty of time to relax and hang out with friends.  I am so blessed to have the friends that I have.  They are such a joy in my life and they are a part of why I am the person I am today.

I finally talked to my parents yesterday.  I think it was the first time we have talked really since I left.  Since Orientation was so busy and hectic I never got a chance to call.  We did not talk for long because of course busy me had to go.  But I am very thankful for my parents.  It is because of them and their encouragement that I can go on this trip.

Last night I got to hang out with my friends for one last night.  Josh and Josh drove down from OBU to see me and say goodbye.  It was so good to see them.  I could not believe that they were actually here but they were!  We went to Pops with Josh, Josh, Jennifer, Emmalee, Me and Zach.  It was such an amazing night.  After pops we sat around and of course the Josh's brought guitars.....and of course Ferguson played Beautiful Mess for me.  It was awesome.  I have missed them so much.  I packed and listened to them sing for a long time.  Then they went home and I finally went to bed.

I think I went to sleep around.....2am.  I am so tired this morning but I know that I will get rest soon enough.  I will go to sleep on the plane and wake up in London.  How awesome!  This morning our group is going out to Jimmy's Egg to get breakfast before we head out.  I don't know if I am ready to say goodbye.

I do however know that I am SOOOOOo excited for Thursday.  I don't care what else happens Thursday is going to make the trip magical for me.  Yesterday our sponsor surprised everyone...mostly me....and told us that we will be seeing Les Miserables Thursday night.  This is my dream!  It is in London and it is the 25th Anniversary.  Who could ask for more?  I know I can't.  I can't wait to blog about it.

Well I need to get last minute things done.  Let's hope my bag weighs under 50lbs.  Thanks for keeping up with the blog.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Paper done....CHECK!

As orientation comes to an end excitement is starting to build in our group.  Tomorrow is our last test that we are taking and we have to turn in our huge papers.  Once this is done I feel like you are going to see huge piles of stress that fell off of our shoulders.  2 more days!  We are all so ready to be on that plane.  I wonder how many of us are saving our sleeping time for the plane?  We are running on fumes.  The caffeine that we pumped into our veins is wearing off and we are tired. 

Tonight is First Week Follies.  I am so excited to go.  It will be my last year to go as an undergrad.  That is crazy to say.  Our sponsor Amy Beauchamp will be performing tonight and we are so excited to go hear her sing. 

Today's orientation was interesting to say the least.  We drove around Edmond looking for things on a scavenger hunt.  We were given a certain amount of money and we could only use that money and no other resources.  We had to buy lunch and ride the bus while doing other tasks.  It was very interesting and very difficult.  But we all had fun and it was a bonding experience.

Well...that is pretty much all that happened today.  We did have a study session in the library but not much came from that.  We will just have to see what the test is like tomorrow.

Goodnight all!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Papers and Tests and Packing OH MY!

If you would have told me a year ago that I would be going to live in Europe for three months I would have told you that you were crazy.  But sure enough.  I am going to live in Europe for three months!  Vienna to be exact.  I will be traveling on the OC Study Abroad program with 19 other students.  God had truly blessed me on this journey.  I have certainly had my ups and downs but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and soon I will be in Vienna on a new adventure.

The Rochester students are awesome!  They got to OK on Monday and we have already become family.  They are so nice.  We showed up at the airport with signs, noisemakers, hats and so much more.  They were so tired and so overwhelmed by our excitement that I think they were frightened but they smile and came to greet us anyway.  We are now laughing about it and both groups can't wait to get to Europe.

One thing that nobody really told me about the European Studies program was how intense the homework and orientation was going to be.  Oh my goodness!  I have not been this stressed out over homework in a very long time.  The entire summer was spent working 3 jobs and taking 15 hours of school.  We took several tests and started our research papers.  Arriving in OK I still had to finish a research paper and take all the test. is now Wednesday and I just finished my last paper.  This was not an easy task however.  I have proof.  This picture is what we looked like when we first started studying and doing homework.

And this is what we looked like after a few hours....

The stress of all this homework was really getting to us.  We would go into fits of laughter because we were exhausted.  I am a theatre major so most of my homework is performance based so this was difficult for me.  But it is so worth it.

So not only do we have to write papers but we have to take tests.  The first was European Civilizations.  It was not so bad.  I was content with my grade.

But the German...Well we were in for a treat.

We had to complete this German workbook that was 107 pages long.  Let's just say I did not do the "German in 10 Minutes a day" book in 10 Minutes a day.  I actually did it in one day.  I sat down and did noting but German for about 4 hours.  It killed me!  I was not remembering any of it.  At one point I looked up from my book and said "Guys!  We leave in a week and I don't Sprechen Sie Deutsch!!!"  Sprechen Sie Deutsch means "You speak German."  So this is everything I said... Guys!  We leave in a week and I don't you speak German!!!  Oh boy.  I was really in for it.  But luckily I have an awesome group of students going with me and we got together and drilled flash cards.  

So I guess I do spreche Deutsch. <--- that is correct by the way.  

Orientation has been an interesting experience.  I feel entirely too overwhelmed for my own good.  We meet every day from 8ish to 5:30ish.  It is just so much to take in at one time.  They are telling us so much information and I am starting to get a little freaked.  I know that it will be worth it in the end and I hope I am a little prepared for what I am about to do.  

I am hoping to keep this blog going while I am over there.  Check back occasionally and read about my adventures! 

Happy Travels!